• Subsonic Wind Gallery;
  • NIR camera (High Resolution InGaAs / FLIR NIR camera);
  • Fast non-intensified camera (CCD - MEMRECAM GX-3);
  • Intensified camera (LaVision camera PicoStar HR);
  • Fast intensified camera (Hisense M320 camera equipped with intensifier);
  • Photomultiplier (Thorlabs 180-650 nm);
  • IFA 300 Constant Temperature Anemometer System TSI;
  • 2D LDV/PDPA DANTEC DYNAMICS System equipped with a FlowLite 2D (high Power) 2.2 mm 532/561 laser;
  • Stereo PIV DANTEC DYNAMICS System equipped with a Double pulse Nd: YAG laser (model: NANO L 200-15, minimum power: 200 mJ/pulse standard, 532 nm) and two FlowSense EO 4 M camera;
  • Oscilloscopes (PicoScope 5000 Series eTektronix TDS2024C);
  • High voltage amplifiers (PVM500 Plasma Resonant and Dielectric Barrier Corona Driver, Trek MODEL 40/15 and NANOSECOND PULSE GENERATOR NPG-18/3500(N));
  • High voltage measurement probe, for use in plasma actuator tests (Tektronix P6015A);
  • Probe for current measurement, for use in plasma actuator tests (Bergoz Current Transformer CT-D1.0-B);
  • Magnum 850 smoke generator (fog fluid: Pro Smoke High Density-Martin, characterized by a particle size of 1-1.5 lm and a particle density at room temperature of 0.95 kg/m3);