Department name

Department of Engineering
for Innovation

Aerospace Propulsion and Flow Diagnostic Lab

Aerospace Propulsion and low diagnostic laboratory is a research laboratory of the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy. The Director of the Lab is Maria Grazia De Giorgi, Assistant Professor in the field of Aerospace Propulsion.

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The Aerospace Propulsion and Flow Diagnostic Lab is a research laboratory focused on the Scientific Disciplinary Sector (the Italian SSD) ING-IND/07 of the Department of Engineering for Innovation at the "Università del Salento".

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The research activity involves the design, modeling and experimental characterization of aerospace devices.
Experimental techniques are used as advanced laser diagnostic techniques (Stereo PIV; LDV, hotwire) and high speed VIS, UV and NIR visualizations combined to advanced decomposition techniques for cold flow and reactive flow characterization.

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Subsonic Wind Gallery, NIR camera (High Resolution InGaAs / FLIR NIR camera), Fast non-intensified camera (CCD - MEMRECAM GX-3), Intensified camera (LaVision camera PicoStar HR), Fast intensified camera (Hisense M320 camera equipped with intensifier), Photomultiplier (Thorlabs 180-650 nm), etc.

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Asset Publisher


Aeronautic Propulsion Mod.1 / Space Propulsion Mod.2 (ENG)
Aeronautic Propulsion aims to provide knowledge of different types of aero-engines (turbojets, turbofans, ramjets) and the aerodynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of major engine components...

Aerospace Propulsion Lab (ITA)
The aim of the lab is to provide the student with a comprehensive informative overview of both aeronautical and space propulsion systems and with a numerical and experimental analysis techniques...

 A6 Building, Campus Ecotekne, Monteroni, Lecce
 +39 0832 29 9420;
+39 0832 29 7759


Prof. De Giorgi Maria Grazia, PhD

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Building O - Ground floor, Campus Ecotekne, Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce (Italy)

Tel. +39 0832 29 9420;
+39 0832 29 7759




The group has published more than 150 papers
on international journals.

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