Department name
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Aerospace Propulsion and Flow Diagnostic Lab
Aggregatore Risorse
Aerospace Propulsion and Flow Diagnostic Lab
Aeronautic Propulsion Mod.1 (ITA)
Aeronautic Propulsion aims to provide knowledge of different types of aero-engines (turbojets, turbofans, ramjets) and the aerodynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of major engine components, develop the knowledge and skills to analytically and numerically solve problems related to aerospace propulsion systems, skills in working independently, in critical evaluation of scientific literature, skills in planning and presentation of scientific talks and reports.
Space Propulsion Mod.2 (ENG)
The Internet of Things course aims to offer a complete vision on how to design and develop smart objects and smart services based on hardware and software technologies enabling the Internet of Things. Particular attention will be paid to the creation and testing of the so-called smart environments.

Prof. De Giorgi Maria Grazia, PhD
University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation
Building O - Ground floor, Campus Ecotekne, Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce (Italy)
Tel. +39 0832 29 9420;
+39 0832 29 7759
- Eng. Antonio FICARELLA
- Eng. Giacomo CINIERI
- Eng. Sara BONUSO
- Eng. Ghazanfar MEHDI
- Eng. Pasquale DI GLORIA
- Eng. @angelica.toscano