IDA Lab – Identification Automation Laboratory - is a research laboratory of the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy. The Scientific Coordinator (Head) of the IDA Lab is Luigi Patrono, Associate Professor in SSD ING-INF/05 at the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the Università del Salento. The main mission of IDA Lab is focused on the Internet of Things and, in particular, on the use of emerging technologies such as RFID, NFC, WSN, and Bluetooth Low Energy to define and implement innovative architectures and services for pervasive and smart environments. In details, main research activities are focused on the following research topics:

●    Middleware and architectures to provide innovative services in pervasive and distributed environments;
●    Edge Compunting and Fog Computing;
●    Social Web of Things and the Internet of Things;
●    Test bed and performance analysis of wireless sensor network;
●    Solutions for low-cost and low-power wearable devices;
●    Mobile applications for the Internet of Things;
●    Embedded Systems;
●    Innovative services for IoT based on Cloud technologies;
●    Trials of smart and pervasive environments: healthcare, home, museum, smart cities, Ambient Assisted Living.

Research lines

Bachelor's and Master's thesis

Activities and Objectives

